Plaka Leonidio
‘A scene of unique seaside beauty, an environment of rest, relaxation and comfort’
At Plaka, the haven of Leonidio, the bulwark of the Arcadian Land, we created for you two special complexes of apartments and rooms in walking distance from the sea. The port of Plaka is situated at the south east side of the Prefecture of Arcadia, only 3 km from the town of Leonidio. The clear blue of the Myrtoon Sea combined with the rich green of Parnonas Mountain compound a picture of unique beauty and create an environment of rest, relaxation and comfort.
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‘Leonidio is the capital of Kynouria, the proud Tsakonia’
It is situated in the middle-east part of Peloponnese, in the southern borders of the Prefecture of Arcadia. The majestic red rocks prevail over the town reflecting the sun’s rays from the rise to the dawn. These red rocks make up a natural observatory. These same hard-to-reach mountains enclosing Kynouria form a natural refuge, a “Secure place”, as it was called by Theodoros Kolokotronis, a famous Greek hero of the Greek Revolution. The residents of Leonidio, called “Tsakones”, whose roots date back in the past, protect this place with devotion.
Leonidio descends evenly from the rocks feet directing to the sea surrounded by the shadows of the citrus plants and the olive trees. The beautiful valley is cooled by the river “Dafnonas”, called “Selinountas” in the ancient times. Dafnonas is a dry river during the most part of the year but in the winter overflows with water due to the ample rainfalls. Leonidio’s natural borders are the Parnonas Mountain (also called “Malevos”), the Argolikos gulf and the Myrtoon Sea. These borders have enabled Leonidio to be protected by intruders but in the same time open to the others by the sea.
The sea brought to Leonidio Gods and Saints and took as exchange people to travel them up to Konstantinoupoli, Italy and much farther. Its name is owned to Saint Leonidas who, at the third century, suffered a horrible death with his seven spiritual children here. Their dead bodies were attributed with respect from the sea to the coasts of Kynouria. People accepted them as a gift and in memory of the Saint they named the place Leonidio (in the tsakoniki language Leonidio is called Agie Lidi (Saint Leonidas).
‘Amongst the shining stalagmites and stalactites’
The ancient name of Leonidio is Vrasies or Prasies and the town was then situated in Plaka. Mysteriously, the name Vrasies is owned to a gift from the sea, which connects this place with the world of the deads. This is where the sea washed up the coffin with the dead Semeli and her only son, God Dionysus. The locals honored Semeli with a burial and delivered the unprotected Dionysus to the care of the Nymph Ino. Ino hid him in a cave near the today’s monastery of Saint Nikolaos of Syntza which since then it is called Dionysus’ cave. Amongst the shining stalagmites and stalactites, protected from the disputes, Dionysus managed to obtain his godly nature. God Dionysus endowed the land with fertility and made it give fruits of distinguished vineyard. That’s why the valley of Leonidio was named The Garden of Dionysus, to honor him.
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